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3 easy ways to launch your freelancing career

When everyone is going towards NFTs and Bitcoin, some of us are still trying to test and get our hands dirty with our existing freelancing skills.

Let’s first see what freelancing is. According to Wikipedia “the term freelancer is commonly attributed to Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) in Ivanhoe (1820) to describe a “medieval mercenary warrior” or “free-lance” (indicating that the lance is not sworn to any lord’s services, not that the lance is available free of charge).”


There are no pre-defined ways to be this cool at freelancing. It always comes from within, but let’s see what the easy ways to do it are.

1. Know what type of freelancer you are

According to my 4 years of freelancing experience, I have observed that there are three types of freelancers.

  1. Creative Freelancers
  2. Curious & Caring Freelancers
  3. Computer Freelancers

Creative Freelancers, are people who are freelancing to discover and explore their creativity. People like digital art creators, web designers, UX/UI designers, Salespeople, etc. are some of the examples of creative freelancers. They help the world with their creativity.

The design and marketing industry is where they belong. This category is one of the most popular freelancing categories.

Curious & Caring Freelancers, are the people who spend their time understanding and researching something. They help people spread the knowledge they have. People who are content creators and teachers or coaches belong to this type of freelancing.

Product research or teaching a specific subject expertise/skills are the domains you should work on.

Computer Freelancers, are not specifically software engineers doing freelancing. It is where someone is freelancing with anything related to computers. It can be CPU fixing or teaching someone how the internet works.

Computer freelancing is the second most famous type of freelancing. There are so many industries available to show your skills.

2. Which industry belongs to you

The most looked at perspective while choosing any job in life is “Will I fit in that environment?”. I would suggest thinking differently while starting freelancing.

Start asking yourself “Is this Industry best for me?”, “Will I get the correct chance to groove my skills here?”.

The key is to believe in yourself first and then start looking for opportunities according to your talent.

If you like food then it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can write food blogs. It can be anything from baking, cooking to food tasting. The choice is yours.

3. How can I stand out from the competition

Good news, if you have competition you are already on the right track.

Now the common thing in becoming successful is being creative with your work. The more genuine and creative your work is, the more people you will attract. Provide people the genuine experience of working with you and you’ll be queen of your niche.

Don’t try to mimic any business as their success might not be yours, but their failures will be. Understand that.

I hope, this post would help you get started on your freelancing journey, if you already haven't. If you need more help or you are ready to work with some cool clients send us your profile at

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